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NEDCC Remembers Gregor-Trinkaus Randall

NEDCC honors the memory of Gregor-Trinkaus Randall, a valued member of the Center's Advisory Committee for 27 years.

Through his 30-year role as Preservation Specialist at the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners
(MBLC), Gregor also partnered with NEDCC on nationally important grant programs, including the Gregor Trinkaus-Randalldevelopment of dPlan: The Online Disaster Planning Tool and COSTEP: Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness.

NEDCC Executive Director Bill Veillette comments:
Gregor was a force in advancing the cause of preservation and was persistent in pursuing his mission. The field is better for his efforts, and his energy and enthusiasm will be sorely missed.

Gregor Trinkaus-Randall’s achievements and experience.